القرآن الكريم - الرئيسية - الناشر - دستور المنتدى - صبر للدراسات - صبر نيوز - صبرالقديم - صبرفي اليوتيوب - سجل الزوار - من نحن - الاتصال بنا - دليل المواقع - قناة عدن
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يونايتد برس انترناشنال: السلطات اليمنية تمنع تظاهرة في مدينة عدن
السلطات اليمنية تمنع تظاهرة في مدينة عدن يونايتد برس انترناشنال - 1 سبتمبر , 2007 منعت السلطات الأمنية بمدينة عدن الجنوبية اليوم السبت متظاهرين من الوصول الى ميدان ساحة الحرية, وقامت بتفريقهم بعد ان ألقت قنابل الغاز المسيلة للدموع واستخدمت خراطيم المياه. وقال شهود عيان ليونايتد برس انترناشونال أن السلطات اعتقلت عشرات المتظاهرين،في عدن كبرى مدن الجنوب ،كما أصيب عدد منهم أثناء المواجهات. وأضافوا إن جريحاً ضربه أحد الجنود بمسدسه في الرأس حتى سال دمه وآخر أصيب بقنبلة مسيلة بالدموع. وكان الامن اليمني أغلق منذ مساء أمس جميع الشوارع والأحياء في عدن اثر تحذير لوزارة الداخلية من أنها ستواجه أي مظاهرة لم تتقدم بطلب ترخيص. وكانت السلطات اليمنية حذرت مساء امس من إقامة اعتصامات كانت دعت لها لجنة المتقاعدين العسكريين والمدنيين الجنوبيين اليوم في عدن . وكان مجلس تنسيق جمعيات المتقاعدين والمبعدين الجنوبيين دعا الخميس الماضي الى إقامة اعتصام شامل لأبناء الجنوب عسكريين ومدنيين في ساحة الحرية بعدن اليوم . وكان الرئيس اليمني علي عبد الله صالح اصدر نهاية الشهر الماضي قرارات قضت بإعادة نحو 8 ألف عسكري جنوبي الى وظائفهم لكن المتقاعدين يقولون أن العدد يصل الى نحو 70 ألفا ازيحوا عن وظائفهم اثر الحرب الأهلية بين الشمال والجنوب عام 1994 . وكان الجنوبيون قد نفذوا منذ مارس/آذار الماضي عدة اعتصامات في المحافظات الجنوبية أسفرت عن اعتقال المئات منهم إلا انه تم الافراج عن أكثرهم باستثناء 3 أشخاص ذكر بأنهم احتجزوا على خلفية قضايا جنائية. يشار إلى أن آلاف من العسكريين الجنوبيين كانوا سافروا إلى بلدان عربية وأجنبية اثر اندلاع الحرب بين صانعي الوحدة اليمنية الحزب الحاكم المؤتمر الشعبي العام والحزب الاشتراكي اليمني والتي افضت الى خروج الاشتراكي من الحكم. وكان الرئيس اليمني أصدر عفوا عن ما اسمي قائمة ال16 التي تضمنت قيادات الاشتراكي التي سعت الى فصل الجنوب عن الشمال عام 1994 بعد وحدة سلمية تمت عام 1990. [فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل] التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة شعيفان ; 09-01-2007 الساعة 08:23 PM |
وظهرت القضية الجنوبيه على السطح الدولي
Yemeni police respond to retired army demonstration with tear gas, bullets
The Associated Press Saturday, September 1, 2007 SAN'A, Yemen: Hundreds of riot police fired bullets and tear gas Saturday to disburse thousands of retired officers and soldiers in southern Yemen who were demanding to be allowed back into the military, police and protesters said. The demonstration, which was the second of its kind in the past month, underlined increasing tensions between southern and northern Yemen 13 years after a civil war. The protesters were largely members of the army of south Yemen who were ousted after being defeated by northern forces. The Yemeni government deployed dozens of armored vehicles Saturday and sealed off several roads in the southern port city of Aden where the protest was taking place, said a police official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. The security measures were intended to prevent additional people from joining the demonstration. During the first protest in early August, one person was reportedly killed and some 1,000 arrested when thousands of demonstrators marching toward downtown Aden clashed with police. The government said it had responded to the former military personnel's demands by allowing more than 7,000 of them back into the army, but Abdu al-Muatari, the spokesman for the retired officers, called the move only a partial solution. "Protests will continue until all demands are met," al-Muatari told The Associated Press. "We want to feel that we are citizens and partners and not followers." Protesters have complained that the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh is ignoring complaints by southerners of discrimination at the hands of the northerner-dominated ******ship. North and South Yemen were united in 1990, with Saleh — who had been the north's president — remaining in his post. In 1994, rebels announced the secession of the south, and battled northern forces for several months in a civil war that ended in their defeat. Afterward, about 60,000 southern servicemen were discharged from the army, and many of them fled abroad. Most have since returned, attracted by amnesty and promises they would be allowed to re-enlist. But many have not been allowed back into the military, which is dominated by northerners. At the same time, southerners complain that they are kept out of government jobs — a main source of employment in the south — in favor of northerners brought in to fill the bureaucracy and security forces. Northerners also continue to hold large tracts of land in the south granted to them after the civil war. Copyright © 2007 The International Herald Tribune | [فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل] |
[فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]
[فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]
الأخ الفاضل طربزوني
الأخ الفاضل المأزق شكراً جزيلاً لكما .. سيتم إفراد هذا الحيز لنقل ماورد على الصحف والمواقع الإخبارية حول الفاتح من سبتمبر يوم الجيش الجنوبي .. سأقوم غداً صباحاً إن شاء الله بتزويد هذا الحيز بما أراه مناسباً مما ستتناوله الجرائد المحلية .. ونرجو من بقية الأخوان التفاعل للبحث عن أي شاردة وواردة حول ماسيتبع يوم الفاتح من سبتمبر في بقية الصحف العربية والعالمية ... إن وجدت تحياتي |
كل ماقيل عن يوم واحد سبتمبر
بفضل الاعتصامات والنضال الجنوبي
في جميع المحافضات اصبحت القضيه الجنوبيه بارزه بعد ماكنت ليس لها وجود وعادت الهويه الجنوبيه بعد ماكانت عديمه ومجهوله وهذا الانتصار بحذ ذاته ارجو من الاخوه البواسل تثبيت هنا كل مايقال في الصحف العالميه والعربيه ومن استطاع منكم الترجمه فيكون افضل ارجو من ادارة المنتداء التثبيت |
يونايتد برس انترناشنال: السلطات اليمنية تمنع تظاهرة في مدينة عدن
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- السلطات اليمنية تمنع تظاهرة في مدينة عدن يونايتد برس انترناشنال - 1 سبتمبر , 2007 منعت السلطات الأمنية بمدينة عدن الجنوبية اليوم السبت متظاهرين من الوصول الى ميدان ساحة الحرية, وقامت بتفريقهم بعد ان ألقت قنابل الغاز المسيلة للدموع واستخدمت خراطيم المياه. وقال شهود عيان ليونايتد برس انترناشونال أن السلطات اعتقلت عشرات المتظاهرين،في عدن كبرى مدن الجنوب ،كما أصيب عدد منهم أثناء المواجهات. وأضافوا إن جريحاً ضربه أحد الجنود بمسدسه في الرأس حتى سال دمه وآخر أصيب بقنبلة مسيلة بالدموع. وكان الامن اليمني أغلق منذ مساء أمس جميع الشوارع والأحياء في عدن اثر تحذير لوزارة الداخلية من أنها ستواجه أي مظاهرة لم تتقدم بطلب ترخيص. وكانت السلطات اليمنية حذرت مساء امس من إقامة اعتصامات كانت دعت لها لجنة المتقاعدين العسكريين والمدنيين الجنوبيين اليوم في عدن . وكان مجلس تنسيق جمعيات المتقاعدين والمبعدين الجنوبيين دعا الخميس الماضي الى إقامة اعتصام شامل لأبناء الجنوب عسكريين ومدنيين في ساحة الحرية بعدن اليوم . وكان الرئيس اليمني علي عبد الله صالح اصدر نهاية الشهر الماضي قرارات قضت بإعادة نحو 8 ألف عسكري جنوبي الى وظائفهم لكن المتقاعدين يقولون أن العدد يصل الى نحو 70 ألفا ازيحوا عن وظائفهم اثر الحرب الأهلية بين الشمال والجنوب عام 1994 . وكان الجنوبيون قد نفذوا منذ مارس/آذار الماضي عدة اعتصامات في المحافظات الجنوبية أسفرت عن اعتقال المئات منهم إلا انه تم الافراج عن أكثرهم باستثناء 3 أشخاص ذكر بأنهم احتجزوا على خلفية قضايا جنائية. يشار إلى أن آلاف من العسكريين الجنوبيين كانوا سافروا إلى بلدان عربية وأجنبية اثر اندلاع الحرب بين صانعي الوحدة اليمنية الحزب الحاكم المؤتمر الشعبي العام والحزب الاشتراكي اليمني والتي افضت الى خروج الاشتراكي من الحكم. وكان الرئيس اليمني أصدر عفوا عن ما اسمي قائمة ال16 التي تضمنت قيادات الاشتراكي التي سعت الى فصل الجنوب عن الشمال عام 1994 بعد وحدة سلمية تمت عام 1990. [فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل] |
Yemeni police respond to retired army demonstration with tear gas, bullets The Associated Press Saturday, September 1, 2007 SAN'A, Yemen: Hundreds of riot police fired bullets and tear gas Saturday to disburse thousands of retired officers and soldiers in southern Yemen who were demanding to be allowed back into the military, police and protesters said. The demonstration, which was the second of its kind in the past month, underlined increasing tensions between southern and northern Yemen 13 years after a civil war. The protesters were largely members of the army of south Yemen who were ousted after being defeated by northern forces. The Yemeni government deployed dozens of armored vehicles Saturday and sealed off several roads in the southern port city of Aden where the protest was taking place, said a police official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. The security measures were intended to prevent additional people from joining the demonstration. During the first protest in early August, one person was reportedly killed and some 1,000 arrested when thousands of demonstrators marching toward downtown Aden clashed with police. The government said it had responded to the former military personnel's demands by allowing more than 7,000 of them back into the army, but Abdu al-Muatari, the spokesman for the retired officers, called the move only a partial solution. "Protests will continue until all demands are met," al-Muatari told The Associated Press. "We want to feel that we are citizens and partners and not followers." Protesters have complained that the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh is ignoring complaints by southerners of discrimination at the hands of the northerner-dominated ******ship. North and South Yemen were united in 1990, with Saleh — who had been the north's president — remaining in his post. In 1994, rebels announced the secession of the south, and battled northern forces for several months in a civil war that ended in their defeat. Afterward, about 60,000 southern servicemen were discharged from the army, and many of them fled abroad. Most have since returned, attracted by amnesty and promises they would be allowed to re-enlist. But many have not been allowed back into the military, which is dominated by northerners. At the same time, southerners complain that they are kept out of government jobs — a main source of employment in the south — in favor of northerners brought in to fill the bureaucracy and security forces. Northerners also continue to hold large tracts of land in the south granted to them after the civil war. [فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل] |
September 01, 2007
Protest in Aden, Yemen Sparks Violence Jawa has been tracking the protests in South Yemen since May 22 when they began. The movement is growing, and the regime's response has become more violent. Today's demonstration in Aden resulted in over 300 arrests and numerous injuries according to Jawa's sources. IHT reports on the demonstrations and mentions the persistent land theft, politicized employment, and institutionalized discrimination prevalent in the former South Yemen. Hundreds of riot police fired bullets and tear gas Saturday to disburse thousands of retired officers and soldiers in southern Yemen who were demanding to be allowed back into the military, police and protesters said... The Yemeni government deployed dozens of armored vehicles Saturday and sealed off several roads in the southern port city of Aden where the protest was taking place, said a police official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. The security measures were intended to prevent additional people from joining the demonstration. During the first protest in early August (ed-no, the first protest was in May and there was another in July), one person was reportedly killed and some 1,000 arrested when thousands of demonstrators marching toward downtown Aden clashed with police.... Over 10,000 citizens protested last week in the city of Taiz. The Yemen Times reported among their concerns were lack of water. (The city of 3.5 million gets water once every 40 days. The other 39 days, people have to buy drinking water.) The protestors lifted banners that stated, “Water is evaporation and fire bills,” “Stop fatal price hikes,” “Taiz is the city of poverty, unemployment and drought” and “Bread and water are our demands.” One of the protesters threw an empty plastic bag formerly containing wheat at the mayor’s face while he spoke with Al-Jazeerah channel. The organizing committee along with the governor’s heightened security contained the situation before it developed into anything serious. Meanwhile, Dr. Abdur-Rahman Al-Azraqi, first secretary of the Yemeni Socialist Party, stated, “This sit-in came as a result of price hikes and unprecedented deterioration of citizens’ living standards.” He went on to say that Taiz governorate suffers from many crises such as electricity and water price hikes, deterioration of health conditions as well as the spread of unemployment among youth and poverty. Taiz has a population of 3.5 million. The governmental institutions suffer from corruptio. Al-Azraqi considered the meeting held by the governor and opposition parties last Monday as a news copout that does not convince even children. He also said that promises pledged by the governor have been raised before while crises are growing steadily. The war in Northern Sa'ada is not quite over either. And and and, they keep beating up al-Khaiwani: The journalist and political researcher, Abdul-Kareem Al-Khaiwani, who is a member of the popular forces political party, was abducted and attacked by unknown security personnel last Monday. Al-Khaiwani stated, “The president should treat me as a Yemeni citizen, admitting my rights and preventing the security bodies from harming me. As president of the republic, he should not publicly declare me as his enemy. He should not writhe with fury and indignation against me, encouraging security bodies to annoy me. I fear they may murder me and my family members if I again write against the regime or against the president,” Al-Khaiwani added. However the regime says he beat himself up to embarrass the security forces: "The allegations are pure lies and fabrications similar to a play arranged with the objective of offending the reputation of the security agencies and the political regime, pluralism and democracy," the state-run media quoted an unidentified security official as saying. That part about pluralism and democracy is a killer. [فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل] |
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الساعة الآن 10:53 PM.